To the general public,

Over the past decade, the marketing industry has become increasingly aggressive. Marketing companies have tactfully convinced the public that dozens of follow-up calls, emails, and retargeting campaigns are the norm and consumers need to “get used to it.” We have heard numerous complaints from customers and others in the industry that they are bombarded with spam and junk solicitations that borderline harassment.

This isn’t just the case with email marketing but SMS marketing too. So how does JCSURGE combat this problem?

By laying out our outreach policy.

Visit our website at: JCSURE.COM

JCSURGE’s Email Marketing Policy

When you signup for a video audit, request a consultation or inform of us any interest, we will put you on our email list, just like any other marketing company. However, here are some rules we are implementing to protect our audience from spam.

  1. We will identify the purpose of the email clearly. Example: “This email is a follow-up to your interest in receiving a video audit. Please see the attached video…”

  2. Our subject lines will be labeled clearly. We will never promise something we can’t keep.

  3. If you ask us to remove you from our list, we will remove you. If we solicit you again after you’ve requested to be removed, you will receive $500 in JCSURGE credit which applies to any website design, SEO, or general consultation.

  4. If we do not hear a response from you after 3 attempts, you will automatically be removed from our list. We will not flood your inbox with unwanted solicitations.

  5. We will always state who it was that wrote the email.

  6. There will always be a direct line to call or email to request removal.

  7. We will follow any additional regulations set by the ICAN SPAM ACT.

JCSURGE’s Phone & Text Policy

  1. You will always be informed of the reason for the call at the beginning.

  2. If you ask to be removed/placed on our “Do Not Call” list, you will not be solicited again. If we do solicit you again after you’ve requested to be removed, you will receive $500 in JCSURGE credit which applies to any website design, SEO, or general consultation.

  3. During cold outreach, we will leave a maximum of 3 voicemails that go unanswered in a given year.

  4. During cold outreach, we will attempt to call a maximum of 3 times. If by the third time we have not heard from you, we will remove you.

  5. We will not attempt to mask our caller IDs or call from a different line (unless a different representative is calling, to which parts 3 & 4 still apply).

  6. We will always state who is calling.

Additional Policy Notes

Because we are attempting to restore people’s trust in the marketing industry, we sincerely ask for any additional feedback on this policy. Please send all direct questions to or or call (917) 747-4234 and we will answer any questions you have regarding our ANTI-Spam policy.

This policy is in effect as of September 1st, 2022.

Authorized by Joshua K Conrad-Tanakh (Founder & President)

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