How Many Pages Should Your Website Have to Gain Traffic?

Often times business owners will ask “how many pages should I have on my website” or more specifically, “how many pages do I need to have in order to get tons of traffic?” and the answer is one that everyone hates… it depends. However, this article will explain the ideal number of pages, what content you should be posting, and what numbers to expect.

Different Types of Pages

Core Pages

A core page is a page that your business or brand can’t live without. These are often the home page (duh), about, gallery, product(s) / service(s), contact, privacy policy, terms of service, and or value statement. Usually, a site with just these pages won’t rank well in a competitive environment, but they serve the prospect more than the actual search engine.

Service / Product Pages

Service or product pages are pages surrounding the specific solution your company offers to a specific problem. I mentioned them under core pages because they are necessary to include in your website, but they deserve their own page type since they’re incredibly important.

Landing Pages

These are pages that serve one purpose, getting a user to take action. This can be in the form of signing up for an email list, purchasing something, or downloading a product. Landing pages are usually sent to an email list, blasted on social media, or are directly sent to a user. More often than not, a landing page won’t be super important when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.

Location Pages

Ah yes, location pages bring controversy in the SEO community. Why? Because people are too often deceptive with these types of pages. Simply put, a location page is designed to grab the traffic of a specific location, usually miles away from the local business’s primary address.

Blog Posts

Blog posts will be your offensive strategy when building your online presence. These pages/posts should be keyword-specific and link back to your top pages. Your top pages could be a service page, location page, or home page.

The Magic Number Depends on What Your Site is About

The magic number is… as many pages as you can create before going insane. Seriously, and here’s why.

Google loves content, the more content you can create, the better your site will be in terms of gaining traffic.

How many pages should a local business site have?

For local businesses, you should have, by default, a minimum of 5 pages. Home, about, service(s), blog, and contact. These are non-negotiable pages you MUST have. Forget SEO and online marketing for a second, without these pages you might as well forget generating ANY traction because people are going to think of you as a joke. And you want prospects to take you seriously, right?

Contact JCSURGE for Online Marketing Help

If you’re having trouble with doing this yourself, feel free to request a video audit of your current site, or schedule a complimentary consultation to see what solutions can help you in your unique situation.


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401 E 74th St.
New York, NY 10021

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