6 Ways to Improve Your Website to Inspire Quality Job Applicants

With the economy slowing down, and a shortage of labor hurting supply chains and consumer demands, finding quality job applicants has become vital to saving our country’s economy. One of the biggest challenges employers of all industries face is hiring young applicants.

Read the full article here: 6 Ways to Improve Your Website to Inspire Quality Job Applicants

So what can you, the business owner, do to hire in a labor shortage where good help appears to be non-existent? Here are 6 ways you can utilize your website to encourage quality job applicants from.

Build Your Online Application Form

Keep it short and minimalist. Your main priority in the online application is to collect information about the applicant and gauge whether they are looking for work or looking to become an active team member.

Make it Professional. Avoid using Google Forms, or any third-party form builder. You want this to be on your website and completely designed to fit your company’s brand. For this reason, it’s recommended you hire a website designer, graphic designer, or branding consultant to help you design an eye-capturing form that applicants will want to engage with.

What if I Need Applicants NOW?

If you need applicants urgently and can’t wait to develop a professional application form then you may opt to upload a PDF copy of your application sheet that you have in-person applicants fill out. You may also build one using Google Forms.

Develop Your Agenda and WHY

Before you build your application form, you must consider the purpose. Sure it’s to hire people, but why are you looking for help? Are you growing too fast? Are you looking to expand? Are you losing current personnel?

Good managers develop a specific agenda with their processes, and hiring is no exception.

Here are some things you want to consider:

  • What age range are you looking for?

  • What overall demographic of people are you looking for?

  • What skill sets do you need?

  • What soft skills do you need? E.g., verbal communication.

  • What can you bring to their lives?

  • How involved do you want to be with your workers’ personal lives?

  • What does your company value? And what does your applicant value?

The more specific you get with this exercise, the better!

Share on Social Media and Other Platforms

Share a link to your application on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and any other platforms. In-person communication also works wonders. Next time you suspect someone is qualified to work for you, you can ask them to go to your website or you can simply get their number or email and send a link to your application. Seeing www.xyzcompany.com/job-application will capture most people’s attention better than seeing a link to a Google Form!

Create a Video Describing Each Role & Your Company

Video grabs people’s attention. It allows you to promote your company with visuals and stimulation which employees will need in order to consider you in today’s digital age. Remember, the national average attention span is shrinking, and with a labor force unwilling to work, you need to stand out. Video is a sure way to do so.

Make a Quiz and Add Difficult Questions

If you’re looking to hire anyone off the street for your painting business, restaurant, or service firm, then this isn’t the article for you. But if you’re looking to hire long-term applicants, who align closely with your company’s brand, consider adding a short quiz or at least a few difficult questions.

The quiz can be something related to your industry. It’s not important what the question is, as long as it is open-ended and not a factual/yes or no question. For instance, if you’re a painting company you may ask “What steps would you take to pick up spilled paint?” This is better than “Are you comfortable working under stress?”


You don’t want to hire just anybody. Avoid getting too excited if you get a job application. If you’re established enough to where you have someone doing HR and Recruiting for you, congrats you can ignore this. But if you’re doing this yourself, or you’re trying to get an office manager or another person to do this for you, make sure everything is clear. 

Clearly display a phone number they can call or email they can ask questions to regard the job position or company. Make office hours readily available on your site as well. 

Clearly label the people you are not interested in hiring.

Not Sure Where to Start? Give Us a Call!

If you’re unsure where to begin when it comes to implementing effective digital recruiting strategies feel free to reach out to our consultants at JCSURGE. We help local businesses across the country implement effective online marketing strategies that turn websites into assets that unlock business opportunities.

If you already have a digital presence and would like some feedback, we’re happy to provide you with a FREE video analysis of your current website.

Call (917) 747-4234 or email info@jcsurge.com for a free introductory call.

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